


张伟光 赵楠 侯然 黄月蓉 庞成业 李欣博

(齐齐哈尔大学 化学与化学工程学院,黑龙江 齐齐哈尔 161006)

Preparation of Griseofulvin Phospholipid Complex and Study on Its Release Rate

Zhang Weiguang Zhao Nan; Hou Ran; Huang Yuerong; Pang Chengye; Li Xinbo;

(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Qiqihar Unversity, Heilongjiang Qiqihar 161006)


利用大豆粉状磷脂,采用溶剂蒸发法制备灰黄霉素磷脂复合物,采用紫外分光光度法测定其复合率。 研究了灰黄霉素磷脂复合物配方中不同成分的比例对磷脂复合物复合率的影响,得到其最佳制备条件为:m(磷脂):m(灰黄霉素)= 3:1V(四氢呋喃):V(二氯甲烷)=1.5:1、固液比=8:1、超声温度50℃、超声时间150min。在此条件下,复合率为91.97%。体外释放研究中磷脂复合物表现出持续释放行为。磷脂复合物制备工艺简单可行,复合率高。



Griseofulvin phospholipid complex was prepared with the granule Soya lecithin by solvent evaporation method. The compounding rate was determined by UV spectrophotometry. The influence of components ratio in phospholipid complex on the compounding rate were studied. The optimum preparation condition was:m(lecithin):m(griseofulvin) = 3:1, V(tetrahydrofuran):V(dichloromethane)=1.5:1, solid-liquid ratio = 8:1, ultrasonic temperature 50℃, ultrasonic time 150 min. In this case, the compounding rate of the griseofulvin phospholipid complex was 91.97%. In vitro release study demonstrated that phospholipid complex exhibited sustained release behavior. This phospholipid complex preparation process was simple and feasible with high compounding rate.

KeywordsGriseofulvin; phospholipid complex; solvent evaporation method; release rate;