


付益伟1张满成2邱成浩1王长明1张强1刘佩岩 王凤玲

(1.江苏省环境工程技术有限公司,江苏 南京 210019; 2.江苏省环境科学研究院,江苏 南京 210036)

An Overview of the Reactive Media in Permeable Reactive Barrier

Fu Yiwei1; Zhang Mancheng2; Qiu Chenghao1; Wang Changming1; Zhang Qiang1;

(1.Jiangsu Environmental Engineering Technology Co. Ltd, Jiangsu Nanjing 210019; 2.Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Environmental Science, Jiangsu Nanjing 210036)


可渗透反应墙(PRB)技术是一种经济高效的被动地下水污染原位修复技术,被认为是最有潜力的地下水处理技术之一。污染地下水流经 PRB 墙体时,污染物被墙体内的反应材料截留或降解,实现污染物的去除,因此,PRB材料的研发是该技术的研究热点。迄今为止,基于种类众多的反应材料,PRB 已被成功用于多种污染物的去除。本文在分类阐述 PRB 反应材料的基础上,解析了各类材料去除污染物的作用机制,并对 PRB 材料的选择和研发应用进行了展望。



Permeable reactive barrier (PRB) is one of the economic and efficient in-situ remediation technology for contaminated groundwater. Its application potential has been widely recognized. The contaminants are immobilize or (bio)degraded by the reactive media when the contaminated groundwater flow across the barrier. The research of reactive media is always one of the hotspot of PRB technology. A large amount of reactive media has been developed and were used in the removal of various contaminants. Based on the classification of reactive media, the contaminats removal mechanisms by reactive media were elaborated. And the selection method and the future development and application direction of PRB media were proposed.

KeywordsPRB; groundwater; in-situ remediation; reactive media; removal mechanism;