1000 t·a-1左乙拉西坦项目丙酮精馏本质安全工艺设计



1000 t·a-1左乙拉西坦项目丙酮精馏本质安全工艺设计

陆华∗ 祁刚

(南通雅本化学有限公司,江苏 南通 226400)

The Inherent Safety Process Design of Acetone Distillation for 1 000 t·a - 1 Levetiracetam

Lu Hua∗; Qi Gang;

(Nantong ABA Chemicals Co. , Ltd. , Jiangsu Nantong 226400)


作者对年产1000 t·a-1左乙拉西坦项目丙酮精馏工段进行了本质安全工艺设计。通过Aspen Plus软件对丙酮-水精馏塔进行物料衡算,并对精馏塔的关键操作参数进行模拟与优化,得到最终的优化结果:丙酮-水精馏塔的塔板类型为筛板塔,回流比R=1.97、理论塔板数为12、进料板位置为第10块塔板,塔径为0.8 m,塔高为9.5 m。在完成塔设计的基础上对精馏塔进行了安全控制方案的设计。



In this article, for the levetiracetam project with an annual out put of 1000 tons of distilled acetone, inherent safety design has been carried out with detail desiging information enclosed. The material balance of acetone water distillation column is calculated by Plus Aspen software, and carries on the optimization of distillation column operating parameters. The final optimization results are obtained: the tower plate type of the acetone-water distillation tower is a sieve plate tower, reflux ratio R is 1.97, theoretical plate number is 12, the position of the feeding plates of the tower is the 10th plate. the tower diameter is 0.8 m, height is 9.5 m. On the basis of the tower design, the safety control scheme is designed.

Keywordslevetiracetam; acetone; distillation; inherent safety; design;