太阳能光伏组件边框用 PU 低温水性烤漆的研制及应用



太阳能光伏组件边框用 PU 低温水性烤漆的研制及应用


(安徽省金盾涂料有限责任公司,安徽 天长 239353)

Preparation and Application of Low Temperature Waterborne Polyurethane (PU) Baking Coatings for Solar Photovoltaic Modules’ Frame

Yuan Lixin

(Anhui Kindun Paint Co. Ltd, Anhui Tianchang, 239353)


以自制有机硅改性多异氰酸酯为水性固化剂,通过优化筛选水性丙烯酸水分散体和固化剂的当量比,考察基材润湿剂、流平剂及施工工艺性能对涂膜的理化性能的影响,同时探究了涂料中颜填料体积浓度对太阳能光伏组 件边框表面漆膜的综合性能的影响。 结果表明采用自制有机硅改性多异氰酸酯为水性固化剂,当 n (—NCO)/n(—OH)当量比为 1.6 时,基材润湿剂和流平剂各添加 0.2% ,颜填料体积浓度为 20% 时,太阳能光伏组件边框用 PU 低温水性烤漆能够满足太阳能边框对涂层的技术要求。



With self-made silicone modified polyisocyanate used as waterborne curing agent ,by optimizing the equivalent ratio of aqueous acrylic dispersion to curing agent, the effects of substrate wetting agent and leveling agent dosage and construction technology on the physical and chemical properties of the coating film were investigated. Also, the influence of volume concentration of pigments and fillers on the comprehensive properties of solar photovoltaic module frame surface was investigated. The results show that when the molar ratio of n (—NCO)/n(—OH) is 1.6, the wetting agent and leveling agent of substrate are 0.2% , and PVC is 20% , PU low temperature waterborne baking coatings can meet the technical requirements of solar photovoltaic modules' frame.

Keywordssilicone modified polyisocyanate waterborne curing agent; dual-cure; abrasive wear resistance;