




(南京工大环保科技有限公司,江苏 南京 210036)

Process Feasibility Study on Comprehensive Upgrading Project of Industrial Wastewater Treatment in Jiangsu Chemical Park

Hu Suncheng

(Nanjing Polytechnic University Environmental Technology Co. , LTD. , Jiangsu Nanjing 210036)


为积极响应江苏省人民政府的要求,江苏某化工园区现有污水处理急需进行提标升级改造以满足新的排放 标准要求。 本文以该化工园区污水厂调节池污水为研究对象,经过 2 个月的实验验证,发现采用“多元协同高效臭氧催化氧化 + A2/O + 高效低耗臭氧催化氧化”的主工艺处理该污水厂接管废水在技术上是可行的,出水 COD 浓度可降 至45 mg/L 以下,即使在恶劣水质冲击下,通过末端颗粒活性炭吸附能稳定出水,可以保证最终出水 COD 稳定达到《GB 18918—2002》一级 A 标准。

关键词:化工园区工业废水臭氧催化氧化一级 A 标准;


In order to actively respond to the requirements of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government, the existing sewage treatment in a chemical park in Jiangsu urgently needs to be upgraded and upgraded to meet the new emission standards. This thesis takes the sewage from the regulating pond of the sewage plant in the chemical park as the research object. After two months of experiments, the main process of “multiple synergistic high-efficiency ozone catalytic oxidation + A2/O + high-efficiency and low ozone depletion catalytic oxidation” is used to treat the wastewater from the sewage plant. It is technically feasible. The effluent COD concentration can be reduced to less than 45 mg/L. Even under the impact of bad water quality, the effluent can be stabilized by the adsorption of granular activated carbon at the end, which can ensure that the final effluent COD stably reaches the “GB18918—2002” Class A standard.

Keywordschemical industry park; industrial wastewater; Ozone catalytic oxidation; class A discharge;