



王甲妲 焦真∗

(东南大学 化学化工学院,江苏 南京 210096)

Research Progress on the Preparation Method of Micro-nano Bubbles

Wang Jiada; Jiao Zhen ∗;

(School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southeast University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210096)


微纳气泡是指平均粒径在几十纳米到十微米之间的球形气泡,其独特的物化性质和生理活性引起了极大关 注。 近年来研究人员基于空化原理、亨利定律和化学反应等机理开发了大量的微纳气泡制备方法。 本文介绍了微纳气泡的生成机理和制备技术,并针对微纳气泡的应用领域分析了对其的性能需求,展望了其制备技术的发展方向。

关键词:微纳气泡 生成机制 制备方法


Micro-nano bubbles are spherical bubbles with an average particle size of tens of nanometers to ten microns, which have piqued researchers' interest due to their unique physicochemical properties and physiological activities. Researchers have devised a variety of methods for creating micro-nano bubbles based on the cavitation principle, Henry's law, chemical reaction, and other mechanisms in recent years. In this paper, the formation mechanism and preparation method of micro-nano bubbles were explained. And the performance requirements of micro-nano bubbles were examined in their application sectors. Finally, the development direction of their preparation method was forecasted.

Keywordsmicro-nano bubbles; formation mechanism; preparation method;