DHX 分馏装置关键参数对于产品产量及质量影响的研究



DHX 分馏装置关键参数对于产品产量及质量影响的研究

侯建平∗ 李堆 任广欣 马有龙 张鹏 李云峰

(中国石油化工股份有限公司 西北油田分公司采油二厂,新疆 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州 841600)

Study on the Influence of Key Parameters of DHX Fractionation Unit on Product Yield and Quality

Hou Jianping ∗; Li Dui; Ren Guangxin; Ma Youlong; Zhang Peng; Li Yunfeng;

(No. 2 Oil Production Plant, Northwest Oilfield Company, Sinopec, Xinjiang Bayinguolengmengguzizhizhou 841600)


在保证产品质量的基础上,为进一步提高液化气和稳定轻烃的经济效益,实现天然气资源的综合利用,本文 应用 HYSYS 软件对中石化某油田轻烃站的丙烷机 + 膨胀机制冷及 DHX 分馏工艺构建了流程模型,通过模拟计算分 析了重接触塔压力、脱乙烷塔压力、脱乙烷塔重沸器温度、脱丁烷塔压力、脱丁烷塔空冷器出口温度、脱丁烷塔重沸器 温度、脱丁烷塔回流比在一定范围内调节,对轻烃、液化气的产量及质量指标的影响,并运用 min-max 标准化方法对各 参数影响的灵敏程度进行排序,为后续生产运行参数的实时调整提供了理论依据。 同时,基于分析结果对现有运行 参数进行优化,使经济收益提高了 7.8% 。

关键词:DHX 分馏 工艺模拟 轻烃回收


In order to further improve the economic benefits of LPG and stable light hydrocarbon and realize the hierarchical utilization of natural gas resources on the basis of ensuring product quality, this paper used HYSYS software to build a process model for propane machine + expansion mechanism cooling and DHX fractionation process in a light hydrocarbon station of Sinopec oil field. The effects of heavy contact tower pressure, pressure of deethanizer tower, reboiler temperature of deethanizer tower, pressure of debutanizer tower, outlet temperature of air cooler of debutanizer tower, reboiler temperature of debutanizer tower and reflux ratio of debutanizer tower on the yield and quality indexes of light hydrocarbon and liquefied gas in a certain range were analyzed through simulation calculation. The sensitivity of each parameter was ranked by min-max standardization method, which provided a theoretical basis for real-time adjustment of production operation parameters. Based on the analysis results, the existing operating parameters were optimized and the economic returns increased by 7. 8% .

KeywordsDHX fractionation; process simulation; light hydrocarbon recovery