



郝敬团1∗ 陈腾1 孙世安1 马军1 徐天宇2

(1. 空军勤务学院 航空军需与燃料系,江苏 徐州 221000; 2. 空军双辽场站,吉林 四平 136400)

Study on Titrating Solvent Substitution for Total Acid Value of Jet Fuel

Hao Jingtuan1∗; Chen Teng1; Sun Shian1; Ma Jun1; Xu Tianyu2;

(1. Department of Military Supply and Fuel, Air Force Logistics College, Jiangsu Xuzhou 221000; 2. Shuangliao Air Force Station, Jilin Siping, 136400)


作者对喷气燃料总酸值测定用滴定溶剂开展了替代的可行性研究,重点考察了 4 种混合滴定溶剂对喷气燃料 总酸值测定结果的影响,对比研究了不同生产批次油样的总酸值,分析了测定数据的准确性、重复性及可信度。 结果表明乙醇与水配制的混合滴定溶剂具有测试结果准确、重复性好、终点颜色突变明显、容易掌控等优点,建议推广使用。



This paper has carried out a feasibility study on the substitution of titration solvent for the determination of total acid value of jet fuel, focusing on the influence of four mixed titrating solvents on the determination results of jet fuel's total acid value is investigated, compared the total acid value of different production batches oil samples', and analyzed the accuracy, repeatability and reliability of the measured data,and the results show that the mixed titrating solvent by ethanol and water has the advantages of accurate test results, good repeatability, obvious end-point color mutation and easy control. It is recommended to promote the use of this experimental result.

Keywordsjet fuel; total acid value; titrating solvent; P-naphthalane phenol;