

DOI: 10.16597/j.cnki.issn.1002-154x.2024.02.003

标题: 偏钛酸中亚铁离子脱出的研究

作者: 杨懿,王珏,徐盼,阳静,周骏宏∗,潘春瑛

单位: 黔南民族师范学院化学化工学院,都匀 558000

摘要: 硫酸法生产钛白粉过程中,偏钛酸的含铁量严重影响钛白粉的白度。作者利用硫酸亚铁与不同配位剂进行配位,探究适合的配位剂。再利用配位剂与偏钛酸中亚铁离子进行配位,通过水洗过滤的方式将亚铁配合物与偏钛酸进行分离,从而获得低含铁量的偏钛酸,提高成品钛白粉的品质。实验结果表明邻菲啰啉溶液与偏钛酸反应时,邻菲啰啉量大除铁效果好。

关键词: 偏钛酸;除铁;硫酸亚铁;配位剂;pH

Study on the Shedding of Ferrous Ions in Metatitanic Acid

Authors: Yang Yi, Wang Jue, Xu Pan, Yang Jing, Zhou Junhong∗, Pan Chunying

Affiliation: School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Qiannan Normal University for Nationalities, Duyun 558000, China

Abstract: In the production process of titanium dioxide by the sulfuric acid method, the iron content of metatitanic acid seriously affects the whiteness of titanium dioxide. To solve this problem, several coordination agents were used to react with ferrous ions to form complexes by using ferrous sulfate and different coordination agents, and then using these coordination agents to complexes with ferrous ions in metatitanic acid. And separate the ferrous complexes from metatitanic acid by washing and filtering in order to obtain metatitanic acid with low iron content, thus improving the quality of finished titanium dioxide. Experiment results showed that when reacting with metatitanic acid and ortho-phenanthroline solution, the larger the amount of ortho-phenanthroline used, the better for shedding of ferrous ions.

Keywords: metatitanic acid; iron removal; ferrous sulphate; coordination agents; pH