DOI: 10.16597/j.cnki.issn.1002-154x.2024.02.007
标题: 污泥好氧堆肥技术的工程应用研究现状及前瞻
作者: 杨森,曾凡∗,韩冰,郑涛,孙淇,何柳
南京工程学院先进工业技术研究院,南京 211167;
南京工程学院环境工程学院,南京 211167;
江苏筑原生物科技研究院有限公司,南京 211167;
南京金固智慧市政研究院有限公司,南京 211167
摘要: 市政污泥中含有大量的氮、磷、钾等营养元素及有机质,具有成为农用肥料和土壤改良剂的潜力。利用市政污泥进行好氧堆肥,形成肥料并投入土地利用,是污泥无害化与资源化利用的方式之一,而通过机械装置与设备对好氧堆肥技术进行辅助从而提高堆肥效率,是目前较为先进,也是十分普遍的处理方法。作者介绍了市政污泥好氧堆肥技术的研究现状,对现有的几种堆肥技术手段与机械设备进行了分析比对,并对此类机械设备与技术在未来污泥好氧堆肥领域内的发展进行了前瞻。
关键词: 污泥处理;好氧堆肥;机械设备;前瞻
Current and Prospective Research on Engineering Application of Sludge Aerobic Composting Technology
Authors: Yang Sen, Zeng Fan∗, Han Bing, Zheng Tao, Sun Qi, He Liu
Advanced Industrial Technology Research Institute, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211167, China;
School of Environmental Engineering, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211167, China;
Jiangsu Zhuyuan Biotechnology Research Institute Co., Ltd., Nanjing 211167, China;
Nanjing Jingu Smart Municipal Research Institute Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211167, China
Abstract: Municipal sewage sludge contains a large number of nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and organic matter, which has the potential to produce agricultural fertilizer and soil amendment. The use of municipal sewage sludge by aerobic composting for the formation of fertilizer and input into land use is one of the ways of sludge harmless and resource utilization. And through mechanical devices and equipment to assist aerobic composting technology to improve composting efficiency, is currently more advanced, but also very common treatment method. This paper reviews the research status of municipal sludge aerobic composting technology, analyzes and compares several existing composting technologies and mechanical equipment, and looks forward to the development of such mechanical equipment and technologies in the field of sludge aerobic composting.
Keywords: sludge treatment; aerobic composting; mechanical engineering; prospect