DOI: 10.16597/j.cnki.issn.1002-154x.2024.04.009
作者: 王迎春∗,王潇潇,王艳,史宝萍,高晓荣,石国亮,刘建红
单位: 太原科技大学,太原 030024
摘要: 化工行业涉及的很多物质是易燃易爆且有毒的,保证安全生产是化工企业永恒不变的主题。影响化工安全生产的主要因素是职工,作者提出将立德树人融入化工安全生产,用立德树人促进企业职工健康安全、积极向上地成长和工作。
关键词: 化工,安全,立德树人
Explore New Ideas to Ensure the Safe Production of Chemical Industry
Authors: WANG Yingchun∗, WANG Xiaoxiao, WANG Yan, SHI Baoping, GAO Xiaorong, SHI Guoliang, LIU Jianhong
Affiliation: Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China
Abstract: Due to the unique nature of the chemical industry, most of the substances involved are flammable, explosive, and toxic. Therefore, ensuring the safe production of chemicals is an eternal theme. The main factor influencing safety production is the employees. Integrating moral education into chemical safety production was proposed to promote the healthy, safe, and positive growth and work of enterprise employees.
Keywords: chemical industry, safety, moral education
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