

题 目:Enzymatic Bioelectrocatalysis for Energy Applications

主讲人:Prof. Shelley D. Minteer (JACS 副主编)

University of Utah(犹他大学)

时 间:201755日(周五)上午1000

地 点:化学化工学院老楼307报告厅




Shelley D. Minteer博士,犹他大学化学材料科学与工程学院USTAR 教授。主要从事电化学催化、生物分析电化学和生物燃料电池等方面的研究工作。Minteer 教授2000年师从Johna Leddy

得分析化学博士学位,随后在Saint LouisUniversity任教,2011年入职犹他大学。已发表论文200余篇、做邀请报告300余场。获美国电化学会FellowScientific American Top 50、生物电化学协会Luigi Galvani Prize奖等多项殊荣。曾/现任电化学领域权威期刊Journal of the Electrochemical SocietyJESTechnical Editor和化学国际顶级期刊Journal of the American Chemical SocietyJACS的副主编。

Dr. Minteer is a USTARProfessor in both the Departments of Chemistry and MaterialsScience&Engineering at the University of Utah. She received her PhD inAnalytical Chemistry at the University of Iowa in 2000 under the direction ofProfessor Johna Leddy. After receiving her PhD, she spent 11 years as a facultyin the Department of Chemistry at Saint Louis University before moving to theUniversity of Utah in 2011. 

Dr. Minteer is also an Associate Editor for the Journal of the American Chemical Society. She has published greater than 250 publications and greater than 300 presentations at national and international conferences and universities. She has won several awards including the Luigi Galvani Prize of the Bioelectrochemical Society, the Missouri Inventor of the Year, International Society of Electrochemistry Tajima Prize, Fellow of the Electrochemical Society, and the Society of Electroanalytical Chemists' Young Investigator Award. Her research interests are focused on electrocatalysis and bioanalytical electrochemistry. She has expertise in biosensors, biofuel cells, and bioelectronics.and Materials Science&Engineering at the University of Utah. She received her PhD in Analytical Chemistry at the University of Iowa in 2000 under the direction of Professor Johna Leddy. After receiving her PhD, she spent 11 years as a faculty in the Department of Chemistry at Saint Louis University before moving to the University of Utah in 2011.    
