

题 目:Colloidal Metal Nanocrystals: From Academic Studies to Industrial Applications

报告人:夏幼南 教授,美国佐治亚理工大学

地 点:九龙湖校区J1-111

时 间:2017523(周二)下午300


夏幼南教授,Brock Family Chair和佐治亚理工大学纳米药物领域Georgia Research Alliance (GRA)杰出学者,ESI全球最顶尖100位材料学家榜单第4。夏教授1987年获中国科技大学化学物理专业学士学位;1993年获宾夕法尼亚大学无机化学专业硕士学位,导师是2000年诺贝尔化学奖获得者Alan G. Mac Diarmid教授;1996年获哈佛大学物理化学博士学位,导师是George M. Whitesides教授。夏教授已在ScienceNatureJACSAngewandte Chemie International Edition等国际顶尖杂志发表680多篇学术论文,总引用次数超过80000次,H因子为169。夏教授已获多个享有国际盛名的学术奖励,包括美国化学学会(ACS)全国材料化学奖;NIH院长先锋奖;美国化学会贝克兰奖(美国材料化学界最高荣誉,根据美国化学会资料,夏教授是六十年来第1位获贝克兰奖的华人化学家);帕克基金会科学工程研究奖;斯隆研究奖以及美国化学会拉梅尔奖。此外,夏教授自2002年以来一直担任国际著名学术期刊Nano Letters的副主编,并兼任Accounts of Chemical Research, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Healthcare Materials, Angewandte Chemie International EditionNano Today等多个国际著名期刊的顾问委员会成员。


Although the first documented synthesis of colloidal metal nanocrystals can be traced back to the beautiful work on gold colloids by Michael Faraday in 1856, only within the last decade have methods become available for generating samples with the quality, quantity, and reproducibility needed for a systematic study of their properties as a function of size, shape, and structure, and for exploration of their applications. Of particular importance is to control the shape of colloidal metal nanocrystals, which may initially seem like a scientific curiosity but with implications going far beyond aesthetic appeal. For nanocrystals made of noble metals, the shape determines their chemical, plasmonic, and catalytic properties, as well as their relevance for electronic, photonic and catalytic applications. For more than 15 years, we have been working diligently to understand the nucleation and growth mechanisms leading to the formation of nanocrystals with specific shapes and structures. We have discovered that the shape of metal nanocrystals is dictated by surface capping and the crystallinity and structure of seeds, which are, in turn, controlled by factors such as reduction kinetics and oxidative etching. In this talk, I will discuss some of the recent developments in this field, with a focus on shape-controlled synthesis of metal nanocrystals via seed-mediated growth in the presence/absence of a capping agent and under a thermodynamic or kinetic control. The success of these syntheses has enabled us to tailor the properties of metal nanocrystals for a broad range of applications in photonics, sensing, imaging, biomedicine, catalysis, and fuel cell technology.


联系人:孙岳明教授 代云茜副教授

