李全,欧洲科学院院士、欧洲科学与艺术院院士,现任东南大学首席教授、东南大学智能材料研究院院长和首席科学家。《液晶与显示》名誉主编,Wiley《Responsive Materials》创刊主编,Springer Nature《Light: Science & Applications》等编辑。曾经任职于世界最著名的液晶研究所——肯特液晶研究所,该研究所是世界上最大的液晶教育研究基地,同时也是每年市值2000多亿美金的液晶显示技术产业的发源地。李全院士是液晶技术和智能材料与工程领域的国际顶级学者,液晶光显示和液晶智能变色玻璃的发明者。在智能液晶材料、智能纳米材料、生物医用材料、仿生材料和分子构造软材料等前沿领域的研究以及国内外人才培养方面做出了杰出贡献。李全院士作为通讯作者的大量研究成果发表在Nature, Chem. Rev., Chem. Soc. Rev.,Acc. Chem. Res., JACS, Angew. Chem., Adv. Mater., Nat. Commun., Sci. Adv., PNAS, Mater. Today等顶级学术期刊上,并多次被世界顶级期刊评论和报道。在过去的十多年里,李全院士作为首席科学家和项目负责人获得美国空军科学办公室、美国空军实验室、美国陆军研究办公室、美国能源部、美国国防部多学科大学协同创新研究计划、美国国家航空航天局和美国国家科学基金会等资助。近年来,李全院士先后指导20多名博士后和许多博士研究生,参与了LCI耗资1500万美元的俄亥俄州研究学者项目,在该项目中,他提出了受自然启发的自组织有机光电材料。李全院士担任许多资助机构的评审专家,如美国能源部、美国国防部、美国国家科学基金会、美国空军科学办公室、美国陆军研究办公室、欧盟研究委员会、瑞士国家科学基金会、荷兰科学研究组织、日本科学促进会和美国麦克阿瑟天才奖等,同时也经常受邀作为世界三大著名书籍出版社(Wiley、Wiley-VCH、Springer)和许多世界顶级期刊杂志的审稿人。李全院士主编了八本英文专著(2本Wiley-VCH, 2本Wiley以及4本Springer),涉及智能材料和工程领域最重要的科学前沿和应用。同时,李全院士撰写了40余篇英文专著章节,以受邀作者身份在著名的百科全书Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia中撰写“液晶”词条以及在百科全书Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science中撰写“金纳米棒”词条,并担任《先进光学材料》特刊《光响应智能软物质技术》的首席客座编辑。李全院士主持过200多次全体会议、主题演讲和研讨会,并担任过诸多会议委员会成员。李全院士先后在法国、德国和美国等众多学术机构工作;入选1999年中国科学院百人计划、德国洪堡学者、英国皇家化学学会(FRSC)会士、欧洲科学院院士、欧洲科学与艺术院院士,曾获肯特州立大学最高研究和学者奖-Kent State University Outstanding Research and Scholarship award,同时被多所大学聘为客座教授、****和荣誉教授。
Q. Li (Ed), Photoactive Functional Soft Materials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2019 (ISBN 978-3-527-34482-6).
Q. Li (Ed), Functional Organic and Hybrid Nanostructured Materials: Fabrication, Properties, and Applications, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2017 (ISBN 978-3-527-34254-9).
Q. Li (Ed), Nanomaterials for Sustainable Energy, Springer, Heidelberg, 2016 (ISBN 978-3-319-32021-2).
Q. Li (Ed), Anisotropic Nanomaterials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications, Springer, Heidelberg, 2015 (ISBN 978-3-319-18292-6).
Q. Li (Ed), Nanoscience with Liquid Crystals: From Self-Organized Nanostructures to Applications, Springer, Heidelberg, 2014 (ISBN 978-3-319-04866-6).
Q. Li (Ed.), Intelligent Stimuli Responsive Materials: From Well-defined Nanostructures to Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2013(ISBN 978-1-118-45200-4).
Q. Li (Ed.), Liquid Crystals Beyond Displays: Chemistry, Physics, and Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2012(ISBN 978-1-118-07861-7).
Q. Li (Ed.), Self-Organized Organic Semiconductors: From Materials to Device Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2011 (ISBN 978-0-470-55973-4).
H. K. Bisoyi and Q. Li, "Liquid Crystals" in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, John Wiley & Sons, 2014 edition.
C. Xue and Q. Li, "Gold Nanorods" in Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science, third edition, Taylor & Francis, 2015.
Z. Zheng, D. Shen, Y. Lu, and Q. Li,“Light Reconfigurable Chiral Liquid Crystal Superstructure for Dynamic Diffraction Manipulations”, Chapter 10 in Nonconventional Liquid Crystals and Their Applications (Eds: W. Lee and S. Kumar), De Gruyter (Walter De Gruyter GmbH), 2019.
D. Yang and Q.Li, “Color Reflective LCD Based on Cholesteric Liquid Crystals”, Chapter 30 in High Quality Liquid Crystal Displays and Smart Devices: Trends, Challenges and Solutions (Ed: S. Ishihara), The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2019.
H.Bisoyi,A.Urbas,and Q.Li,“Soft Materials Driven by Photothermal Effect and Their Applications”,Chapter 1 in Photoactive Functional Soft Materials: Preparation,Properties, and Applications (Ed: Q. Li), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2019.
L.Wang and Q.Li,“Light-driven Self-Organized Liquid Crystalline Nanostructures Enabled by Chiral Molecular Switches or Motors: From 1D to 3D Photonic Crystals”, Chapter 3 in Photoactive Functional Soft Materials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications (Ed: Q. Li), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2019.
L. Chen and Q. Li, “Soft Photoactuators in Micorfludics”, Chapter 5 in Photoactive Functional Soft Materials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications (Ed: Q. Li), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2019.
J. Hu, S. Ma, H. Yu, and Q. Li, “Photomechanical Soft Nanocomposites: Synergies between Soft Matrix and Energy Conversion Additives”, Chapter 8 in Photoactive Functional Soft Materials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications (Ed: Q. Li), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2019.
L. Wang and Q. Li, “Light-driven Self-Organized Liquid Crystalline Nanostructures Enabled by Chiral Molecular Switches or Motors: From 1D to 3D Photonic Crystals”, Chapter 3 in Photoactive Functional Soft Materials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications (Ed: Q. Li), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2019.
H. Bisoyi, A. Urbas, and Q. Li, “Soft Materials Driven by Photothermal Effect and Their Applications”, Chapter 1 in Photoactive Functional Soft Materials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications (Ed: Q. Li), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2019.
A. S. Amrutha, A. S. Achalkumar, and Q. Li, “Light-Driven Phase Transitions in Liquid Crystals and Their Applications”, Chapter 7 in Photoactive Functional Soft Materials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications (Ed: Q. Li), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2019.
D. Yu, X. Xiao, Z. Yuan, and Q. Li, “Self-Assembled Graphene Nanostructures and Their Applications”, Chapter 2 in Functional Organic and Hybrid Nanostructured Materials: Fabrication, Properties, and Applications (Ed: Q. Li), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2017.
L. Wang and Q. Li, “Photochromic Organic & Hybrid Self-Organized Nanostructures: From Molecular Design to Applications”, Chapter 3 in Functional Organic and Hybrid Nanostructured Materials: Fabrication, Properties, and Applications (Ed: Q. Li), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2017.
S. Achalkumar, M. Mathews, and Q. Li, “Stimuli-Directed Self-Organizing 1D Organic Semiconducting Nanostructures for Optoelectronic Applications”, Chapter 7 in Functional Organic and Hybrid Nanostructured Materials: Fabrication, Properties, and Applications (Ed: Q. Li), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2017.
R. S. Zola and Q. Li, “Stimuli-Directed Helical Axis Switching in Chiral Liquid Crystalline Nanostructure”, Chapter 8 in Functional Organic and Hybrid Nanostructured Materials: Fabrication, Properties, and Applications (Ed: Q. Li), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2017.
H. K. Bisoyi and Q. Li, “Nanostructured Self-Organized Heliconical Nematic Liquid Crystals: Twist Bend Nematic Phase”, Chapter 16 in Functional Organic and Hybrid Nanostructured Materials: Fabrication, Properties, and Applications (Ed: Q. Li), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2017.
L. Wang, Karla Gutierrez, and Q. Li, “Photochromic Chiral Liquid Crystal Sensors”, Chapter 2 in Liquid Crystalline Sensors (Eds: A. Schenning, G. Crawford and D. J. Broer), CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 2017.
H. Bisoyi and Q. Li, “Discotic Liquid Crystals for Self-Organizing Photovolatics”, Chapter 6 in Nanomaterials for Sustainable Energy (Ed: Q. Li), Springer, Heidelberg, 2016.
Z. Zheng and Q. Li, “Self-Organized Chiral Liquid Crystalline Nanostructures for Energy-Saving Devices”, Chapter 14 in Nanomaterials for Sustainable Energy (Ed: Q. Li), Springer, Heidelberg, 2016.
M. Morimoto, S. Kobatake, M. Irie, H. K. Bisoyi, Q. Li, S. Wang, and H. Tian, “Photochromic Bulk Materials”, Chapter 8 in Photochromic Materials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications (Eds: H. Tian and J. Zhang), Wiley-VCH, 2016.
C. Xue and Q. Li, “Anisotropic Gold Nanoparticels: Preparation, Properties, and Applications”, Chapter 3 in Anisotropic Nanomaterials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications (Ed: Q. Li), Springer, Heidelberg, 2015.
H. K. Bisoyi and Q. Li, “Liquid Crystalline Anisotropic Nanoparticles: From Metallic and Semiconducting Nanoparticles to Carbon Nanomaterials”, Chapter 6 in Anisotropic Nanomaterials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications (Ed: Q. Li), Springer, Heidelberg, 2015.
M. Mathews, A. S. Achalkumar, and Q. Li, “Self-Assembled 1D Semiconductors: Liquid Crystalline Columnar Phase”, Chapter 7 in Anisotropic Nanomaterials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications (Ed: Q. Li), Springer, Heidelberg, 2015.
T.-H. Lin, C.-W. Chen, and Q. Li, “Self-Organized 3D Photonic Superstructures: Blue Phase Liquid Crystal”, Chapter 9 in Anisotropic Nanomaterials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications (Ed: Q. Li), Springer, Heidelberg, 2015.
L. Wang and Q. Li, “Stimuli Responsive Self-Organized Liquid Crystalline Nanostructures: From 1D to 3D Photonic Crystals”, Chapter 17 in Organic & Hybrid Photonic Crystals (Ed: D. Comoretto), Springer, New York, 2015.
H. K. Bisoyi, S. Kumar, and Q. Li, “Liquid Crystalline 1D and 2D Carbon Materials”, Chapter 3 in Nanoscience with Liquid Crystals: From Self-Organized Nanostructures to Applications (Ed: Q. Li), Springer, Heidelberg, 2014.
C. Xue and Q. Li, “Liquid Crystal-Gold Nanoparticle Hybrid Materials”, Chapter 4 in Nanoscience with Liquid Crystals: From Self-Organized Nanostructures to Applications (Ed: Q. Li), Springer, Heidelberg, 2014.
Y. Li and Q. Li, “Photoresponsive Chiral Liquid Crystal Materials: From 1D Helical Superstructures to 3D Periodic Cubic Lattices and Beyond”, Chapter 5 in Nanoscience with Liquid Crystals: From Self-Organized Nanostructures to Applications (Ed: Q. Li), Springer, Heidelberg, 2014.
H. K. Bisoyi and Q. Li, “Directing Self-Organized Columnar Nanostructures of Discotic Liquid Crystals for Device Applications”, Chapter 7 in Nanoscience with Liquid Crystals: From Self-Organized Nanostructures to Applications (Ed: Q. Li), Springer, Heidelberg, 2014.
L. Yu, H. Yu, and Q. Li, “Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials in Photodeformable Liquid Crystalline Polymers”, Chapter 10 in Nanoscience with Liquid Crystals: From Self-Organized Nanostructures to Applications (Ed: Q. Li), Springer, Heidelberg, 2014.
H. K. Bisoyi and Q. Li, “Stimuli Responsive Alignment Control of Semiconducting Discotic Liquid Crystalline Nanostructures”, Chapter 3 in Intelligent Stimuli Responsive Materials: From Well-defined Nanostructures to Applications (Ed: Q. Li), John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
Y. Li and Q. Li, “Photoresponsive Cholesteric Liquid Crystals”, Chapter 5 in Intelligent Stimuli Responsive Materials: From Well-defined Nanostructures to Applications (Ed: Q. Li), John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
H. Yu and Q. Li, “Photomechanical Liquid Crystalline Polymers: Motion in Response to Light”, Chapter 7 in Intelligent Stimuli Responsive Materials: From Well-defined Nanostructures to Applications (Ed: Q. Li), John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
C. Xue and Q. Li, “Stimuli Responsive Smart Organic Hybrid Metal Nanoparticles”, Chapter 9 in Intelligent Stimuli Responsive Materials: From Well-defined Nanostructures to Applications, Q. Li, Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
C. Xue and Q. Li, “Semiconducting Discotic Liquid Crystals for Optoelectronic Applications”, Chapter 2 in Liquid Crystals Beyond Displays: Chemistry, Physics, and Applications (Ed: Q. Li), John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
C. Yelamaggad, S. K. Prasad, and Q. Li, “Photo-Stimulated Phase Transformations in Liquid Crystals and Their Non-Display Applications”, Chapter 4 in Liquid Crystals Beyond Displays: Chemistry, Physics, and Applications (Ed: Q. Li), John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
Y. Wang and Q. Li, “Light-Driven Chiral Molecular Switches or Motors in Liquid Crystal Media”, Chapter 5 in Liquid Crystals Beyond Displays: Chemistry, Physics, and Applications (Ed: Q. Li), John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
M. Mathews and Q. Li, “Self-Organizing Discotic Liquid Crystals as Novel Organic Semiconductors”, Chapter 4 in Self-Organized Organic Semiconductors: From Materials to Device Applications (Ed: Q. Li), John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
J. Ma and Q. Li, “Smectic Liquid Crystal Semiconductors”, Chapter 5 in Self-Organized Organic Semiconductors: From Materials to Applications (Ed: Q. Li), John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
L. Jin and Q. Li, “Self-Organized Fullerene Based Organic Semiconductors”, Chapter 7 in Self-Organized Organic Semiconductors: From Materials to Device Application (Ed: Q. Li), John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Q. Li, J. M. El Khoury, X. Zhou, A. Urbas, L. Qu, and L. Dai, “Synthesis of the Thiol Surfactant with Tunable Length as a Stabilizer of Gold Nanoparticles”, Chapter 4 in Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Passivation, Stabilization, and Functionalization (Eds: R. Nagarajan and T. A. Hatton), Oxford University Press, 2008.
Q. Li and L. Li, “Photoconducting Discotic Liquid Crystals”, Chapter 11 in Thermotropic Liquid Crystals (Ed: A. Ramamoorthy), Springer, 2007.
W. Wang, Y. Xu, Y. Tang, and Q. Li,Self-assembled Metal Complexes in Biomedical Research. Advanced Materials 2025, 37, 2416122 (Journal Impact IF:29.4).
Y. Xu, Y. Huang, J. Wang, S. Huang, H. Yang, and Q. Li, Force‐Trainable Liquid Crystal Elastomer Enabled by Mechanophore‐Induced Radical Polymerization. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2025, 64, e202423584. (IF= 16.823)
Z. Wang, Y. Tang, and Q. Li, A Self-assembling Nanoplatform for Pyroptosis and Ferroptosis Enhanced Cancer Photoimmunotherapy. Light: Science & Applications 2025, 14, 16 (IF= 20.6)
X. Zhang, Y. Tang, Y. Ma, H. Bisoyi, T. Li, and Q. Li, Azopyrazole-Based Axially Chiral Dopants with High Thermal Stability in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals. Advanced Functional Materials 2025, 2425752. (IF= 19.924).
F. Fan, K. Zeng, Y. Zhu, Y. Zhang, Y. Chen, D. Lv, Y. Chai, X. Chen, and Q. Li, Second Near-Infrared Window Fluorescence Materials for in vivo Dynamic Multiplexed Imaging. Advanced Functional Materials 2025, 2422693. (IF= 19.924).
Y. Xu, Y. Tang, and Q. Li, Visible- and Near-Infrared Light-Driven Molecular Photoswitches for Biological Applications. Advanced Functional Materials 2024, 2416359 (IF= 16.823)
J. Wei, J. Xing, X. Hou, X. Chen, and Q. Li, Light-Operated Diverse Logic Gates Enabled by Modulating Time-Dependent Fluorescence of Dissipative Self-Assemblies. Advanced Materials 2024, 36, 2411291. (IF= 32.086)
Z. Han, M. He, G. Wang, J.-M. Lehn, and Q. Li, Visible-Light-Driven Solid-State Fluorescent Photoswitches for High-Level Information Encryption. Angewante Chemie International Edition 2024, e202416363.(IF= 16.823)
X. Chen, X. Hou, X. Chen, and Q. Li, An Ultrawide-Range Photochromic Molecular Fluorescence Emitter. Nature Communications 2024, 15, 5401.(IF=17.694)
S. Zhang, A. Chen, Y. An, and Q. Li, Arene-Perfluoarene Interaction: Properties, Constructions and Applications in Materials Science. Matter 2024, 7, 3317.(IF= 18.9)
S. Zhang, L. Zhang, A. Chen, Y. An, X. Chen, H. Yang, and Q. Li, Cucurbit[8]uril Mediated Supramolecular Heterodimerisation and Photoinduced [2+2] Heterocycloaddition to Generate Unexpected [2]Rotaxanes. Angewante Chemie International Edition 2024, 63, e202410130.(IF= 16.823)
F. Hassan, Y. Tang, H. K. Bisoyi, and Q. Li, Photochromic Carbon Nanomaterials: An Emerging Class of Light-Driven Hybrid Functional Materials. Advanced Materials 2024, 36, 2401912.(IF= 32.086)
G. Zhu, Z. Liu, Q. Qi, J. Xing, and Q. Li, Responsive Organic Fluorescent Aggregates Based on Ion-π Interactions Away from Fluorescent Conjugated Groups. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2024, 63, e202406417.(IF= 16.823)
Y. Xu, X. Zhang, Z. Song, X. Chen, Y. Huang, J. Wang, B. Li, S. Huang, and Q. Li, In-situ Light-Writable Orientation Control in Liquid Crystal Elastomer Film Enabled by Chalcones. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2024, 63, e202319698 (selected as Hot Paper).(IF= 16.823)
L. Fang, Z. Lin, Y. Zhang, B. Ye, J. Li, Q. Ran, X. Wang, M. Yang, Z. Yuan, X. Lin, D. Yu, X. Chen, and Q. Li, Robust, Ultrafast and Reversible Photoswitching in Bulk Polymers Enabled by Octupolar Molecule Design. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2024, 63, e202402349 (selected as Very Important Paper and highlighted in the cover).(IF= 16.823)
J. Liu, X. Zhou, X. Tang, Y. Tang, J. Wu, Z. Song, H. Jiang, Y. Ma, B. Li, Y. Lu, and Q. Li, Circularly Polarized Organic Ultralong Room-temperature Phosphorescence: Generation, Enhancement, and Application. Advanced Functional Materials 2024, 34, 2414086. (IF= 16.823)
Y. Tang, Z. Wang,and Q. Li, Pyroptosis of Breast Cancer Stem Cells and Immune Activation Enabled by a Multifunctional Prodrug Photosensitizer. Advanced Functional Materials 2024, 34, 2405367.(IF= 19.924)
F. Fan, X.-M. Chen, J. Lin, M. Lin, L. Li, Y. Gu, Y. Chai, H. Zhang, X. Chen, and Q. Li, Peptide-Based Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Self-Assemblies for Ultrasensitive and Visual Detection of Herparin. Advanced Functional Materials 2024, 34, 2314832. (IF= 19.924)
Z. Wang, Y. Tang, and Q. Li, A Self-assembling Nanoplatform for Pyroptosis and Ferroptosis Enhanced Cancer Photoimmunotherapy. Light: Science & Applications 2024, 13. (IF= 20.257)
S. Li, Y. Tang, Q. Fan, Z. Li, X. Zhang, J. Wang, J. Guo, and Q. Li, When Quantum Dots Meet Blue Phase Liquid Crystal Elastomers: Visualized Full-Color and Mechanically-Switchable Circularly Polarized Luminescence. Light: Science & Applications 2024, 13, 140. (IF= 20.257)
H.-Q. Wang, Y. Tang, Z.-Y. Huang, F.-Z. Wang, P.-F. Qiu, X. Zhang, C.-H. Li, and Q. Li, A Dual-Responsive Liquid Crystal Elastomer for Multi-Level Encryption and Transient Information Display. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2023, 62, e202313728.(IF= 16.823)
X. Wang, B. Sprinkle, H. K. Bisoyi, T. Yang, L. Chen, S. Huang, Q. Li, Colloidal Tubular Microrobots for Cargo Transport and Compression. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2023, 120, e2304685120.
W. Kang, Y. Tang, X. Meng, S. Lin, X. Zhang, J. Guo, Q. Li, A Photo- and Thermo-Driven Azoarene-Based Circularly Polarized Luminescence Molecular Switch in a Liquid Crystal Host. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2023, 62, e202311486. (IF= 16.823)
Y. Huang, Y. Xu, H. K. Bisoyi, Z. Liu, J. Wang, Y. Tao, T. Yang, S. Huang, H. Yang, Q. Li, Photo-Controllable Elongation Actuation of Liquid Crystal Elastomer Films with Well-Defined Crease Structures. Advanced Materials 2023, 35, 2304378. (IF= 32.086)
Y. Tang, H. K. Bisoyi, X.-M. Chen, Z. Liu, X. Chen, S. Zhang, and Q. Li, Pyroptosis-Mediated Synergistic Photodynamic and Photothermal Immunotherapy Enabled by Tumor Membrane-Targeted Photosensitive Dimer. Advanced Materials 2023, 35, 2300232. (IF= 32.086)
S. Lin, Y. Tang, W. Kang, H. K. Bisoyi, J. Guo, and Q. Li, Photo-triggered full-color circularly polarized luminescence based on photonic capsules for multilevel information encryption. Nature Communications 2023, 14, 3005. (IF=17.694)
Y. Wang, C.-L. Yuan, W. Huang, P.-Z. Sun, B. Liu, H.-L. Hu, Z. Zheng, Y.-Q. Lu, and Q. Li, Programmable Jigsaw Puzzles of Soft Materials Enabled by Pixelated Holographic Surface Reliefs. Advanced Materials 2023, 35. 2211521. (IF= 32.086)
H. Wang, Y. Tang, H. K. Bisoyi, and Q. Li, Reversible Handedness Inversion and Circularly Polarized Light Reflection Tuning in Self-Organized Helical Superstructures Using Visible-Light-Driven Macrocyclic Chiral Switches. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2023, 62, e202216600. (IF=16.823)
N. Qian, H. K. Bisoyi, M. Wang, S. Huang, Z. Liu, X.-M. Chen, J. Hu, H. Yang, and Q. Li, A Visible and Near-Infrared Light-Fueled Omnidirectional Twist-Bend Crawling Robot. Advanced Functional Materials 2023, 33, 2214205. (IF=19.924)
R. Zheng, L. Ma, W. Feng, J. Pan, Z. Wang, Z. Chen, Y. Zhang, C. Li, P. Chen, H. K. Bisoyi, B. Li, Q. Li and Y. Lu, Autonomous Self-Sustained Liquid Crystal Actuators Enabling Active Photonic Applications. Advanced Functional Materials 2023, 33. (IF=19.924)
P. Xue, Y. Chen, Y. Xu, C. Valenzuela, X. Zhang, H. K. Bisoyi, X. Yang, L. Wang, X. Xu, and Q. Li, Bioinspired MXene-Based Soft Actuators Exhibiting Angle-Independent Structural Color. Nano-Micro Letters 2023, 15. 1. (IF=23.655)
X.-M. Chen, W.-J. Feng, H. K. Bisoyi, S. Zhang, X. Chen, H. Yang, and Q. Li, Light-activated photodeformable supramolecular dissipative self-assemblies. Nature Communications 2022, 13, 3216. (IF=17.694)
B. Liu, C.-L. Yuan, H.-L. Hu, H. Wang, Y.-W. Zhu, P.-Z. Sun, Z.-Y. Li, Z.-G. Zheng, and Q. Li, Dynamically Actuated Soft Heliconical Architecture via Frequency of Electric Fields. Nature Communications 2022, 13, 2712. (IF=17.694)
Z. Yu, H. K. Bisoyi, X.-M. Chen, Z.-Z. Nie, M. Wang, H. Yang, and Q. Li, An Artificial Light-Harvesting System with Controllable Efficiency Enabled by an Annulene-Based Anisotropic Fluid. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2022, 61, e202200466 (selected as hot paper)(Highlighted in the Frontispiece).(IF=16.823)
H. K. Bisoyi, and Q. Li, Liquid Crystals: Versatile Self-Organized Smart Soft Materials. Chemical Reviews 2022, 122, 4887. (IF=72.087)
Z. Liu, H. K. Bisoyi, Y. Huang, M. Wang, H. Yang, and Q. Li, Thermo- and Mechanochromic Camouflage and Self-Healing in Biomimetic Soft Actuators Based on Liquid Crystal Elastomers. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2022, 61, e202115755 (selected as hot paper)(Highlighted in the Frontispiece).(IF=16.823)
X. Chen, H. K. Bisoyi, X.-F. Chen, X.-M. Chen, S. Zhang, Y. Tang, G. Zhu, H. Yang, and Q. Li, Hierarchical Supramolecular Self-Assembly of an Excitation-Wavelength-Dependent-Emissive Fluorophore and Cucurbiturils for Secondary Encryption. Matter 2022, 5, 3883. (IF=19.967)
M. Yang, Y. Xu, X. Zhang, H. K. Bisoyi, P. Xue, Y. Yang, X. Yang, C. Valenzuela, Y. Chen, L. Wang, W. Feng, and Q. Li, Bioinspired Phototropic MXene-Reinforced Soft Tubular Actuators for Omnidirectional Light-Tracking and Adaptive Photovoltaics. Advanced Functional Materials 2022, 32, 2201884. (IF=19.924)
Y. Guan, J. Qiao, Y. Liang, H. K. Bisoyi, C. Wang, W. Xu, D. Zhu, and Q. Li, High Mobility Air Stable n-Type Organic Small Molecule Semiconductor with High UV-Visible-to-NIR Photoresponse. Light: Science & Applications 2022, 11, 236. (IF=20.257)
X. Zhang, Y. Xu, C. Valenzuela, X. Zhang, L. Wang, W. Feng, and Q. Li, Liquid Crystal-Templated Chiral Nanomaterials: From Chiral Plasmonics to Circularly Polarized Luminescence.Light: Science & Applications 2022, 11, 223. (IF=20.257)
B.-Y. Yu, D.-W. Yue, K.-X. Hou, L. Ju, H. Chen, C. Ding, Z.-G. Liu, Y.-Q. Dai, H. K. Bisoyi, Y.-S. Guan, W.-B. Lu, C.-H. Li, and Q. Li, Stretchable and Self-healable Spoof Plasmonic Meta-waveguide for Wearable Wireless Communication System. Light: Science & Applications 2022, 11, 307. (IF=20.257)
X.-M. Chen, K.-W. Cao, H. K. Bisoyi, S. Zhang, N. Qian, L. Guo, D.-S. Guo, H. Yang, and Q. Li, Amphiphilicity-Controlled Polychromatic Emissive Supramolecular Self-Assemblies for Highly Sensitive and Efficient Artificial Light-Harvesting Systems. Small 2022, 18, 2204360.(IF=15.153)
Y. Tang, X. Wang, G. Zhu, Z. Liu, X.-M. Chen, H. K. Bisoyi, X. Chen, X. Chen, Y. Xu, J. Li, and Q. Li, Hypoxia-Responsive Photosensitizer Targeting Dual Organelles for Photodynamic Therapy of Tumors. Small 2022, 18, 2205440. (IF=15.153)
M. Wang, T. Hu, H. K. Bisoyi, Z. Yu, L. Liu, Y. Song, J. Yang, H. Yang, and Q. Li, Rheological Tunable Magnetic Fluids with Long-Term Stability. Small 2022, 18, 2204609. (IF=15.153)
Y. He, S. Zhang, H. K. Bisoyi, J. Qiao, H. Chen, J. Gao, J. Guo, and Q. Li, Irradiation-Wavelength Directing Circularly Polarized Luminescence in Self-Organized Helical Superstructures Enabled by Hydrogen Bonded Chiral Fluorescent Molecular Switches. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2021, 60, 27158 (selected as Hot Paper and highlighted in the Cover). (IF=16.823)
S. Huang, Y. Shen, H. K. Bisoyi, Y. Tao, Z. Liu, M. Wang, H. Yang, and Q. Li, Covalent Adptable Liquid Crystal Networks Enabled by Reversible Ring-Opening Cascades of Cyclic Disulfides. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2021, 143, 12534 (Highlighted in the cover). (IF=16.383)
X. Chen, X. Hou, H. K. Bisoyi, W. Feng, Q. Cao, S. Huang, H. Yang, D. Chen, and Q. Li, Light-fueled Transient Supramolecular Assemblies in Water as Fluorescence Modulators. Nature Communications 2021, 12, 4993. (IF=17.694)
H. Liu, Y. Xin, H. K. Bisoyi, Y. Peng, J. Zhang, and Q. Li, Stimuli-Driven Insulator-Conductor Transition in a Flexible Polymer Composite Enabled by Biphasic Liquid Metal. Advanced Materials 2021, 33, 2104634 (highlighted in the Cover). (IF= 32.086)
P. Lv, X. Yang, H. K. Bisoyi, H. Zeng, X. Zhang, Y. Chen, P. Xue, S. Shi, A. Priimagi, L. Wang, W. Feng, and Q. Li, Stimulus-Driven Liquid Metal and Liquid Crystal Network Actuators for Programmable Soft Robotics. Materials Horizons 2021, 8, 2475. (IF=15.717)
L. Chen, H. K. Bisoyi, Y. Huang, S. Huang, M. Wang, H. Yang, and Q. Li, Healable and Rearrangeable Networks of Liquid Crystal Elastomers Enabled by Diselenide. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2021, 60, 16394 (selected as hot paper). (IF=16.823)
Y. Huang, H. K. Bisoyi, S. Huang, M. Wang, X. Chen, Z. Liu, H. Yang, and Q. Li, Bioinspired Synergistic Photochromic Luminescence and Programmable Liquid Crystal Actuators. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2021, 60, 11247 (selected as VIP paper). (IF=16.823)
F. Zhou, P. Gu, Z. Luo, H. K. Bisoyi, Y. Ji, Y. Li, Q. Xu, Q. Li, and J. Lu, Unexpected organic hydrate luminogens in the solid state, Nature Communications 2021, 12, 2339. (IF=17.694)
P. Xue, H. K. Bisoyi, Y. Chen, H. Zeng, J. Yang, X. Yang, P. Lv, X. Zhang, A. Priimagi, L. Wang, X. Xu, and Q. Li, Near-Infrared Light-Driven Shape-Morphing of Programmable Anisotropic Hydrogels Enabled by MXene Nanosheets, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2021, 60, 3390. (IF=16.823)
M. Wang, Y. Song, H. K. Bisoyi, J. Yang, L. Liu, H. Yang, and Q. Li, Liquid Crystal Elastomer Based Unprecedented Two-Way Shape-Memory Aerogel. Advanced Science 2021, 8, 2102674 (highlighted in the Frontispiece). (IF=16.806)
S. Huang, H. Yu, and Q. Li, Supramolecular Chirality Transfer toward Chiral Aggregation: Asymmetric Hierarchical Self-Assembly. Advanced Science 2021, 8, 2002132. (IF=17.521)
J. Yang, X. Zhang, X. Zhang, L. Wang, W. Feng, and Q. Li, Beyond the Visible: Bio-Inspired Infrared Adaptive Materials, Advanced Materials 2021, 32, 2004754. (IF=32.086)
Z. Zheng, Y. Lu, and Q. Li, Photoprogramable Mesogenic Soft Helical Architectures: A Promising Avenue Toward Future Chiro-Optics. Advanced Materials 2020, 32, 1905318(selected as cover). (IF=32.086)
L. Wang, A. M. Urbas, and Q. Li, Nature-Inspired Emerging Chiral Liquid Crystal Nanostructures: From Molecular Self-Assembly to DNA Mesophase and Nanocolloids, Advanced Materials 2020, 32, 1801335. (IF=32.086)
S. Lin, K. Gutierrez Cuevas, X. Zhang, J. Guo, and Q. Li, Fluorescent Photochromic α-Cyanodiarylethene Molecular Switches: An Emerging and Promising Class of Functional Diarylethene, Advanced Functional Materials 2020, 30, 2007957. (IF=19.924)
X. Chen. Q. Cao, H. Bisoyi, M. Wang, H. Yang, and Q. Li, Efficient Near-Infrared Emissive Artificial Supramolecular Light-Harvesting System for Imaging in Golgi Apparatus. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2020, 59, 10493. (IF=16.823)
H. Wang, H. K. Bisoyi, B. Li, M. E. McConney, T. J. Bunning, and Q. Li, Visible Light-Driven Halogen Bond Donor Based Molecular Switches: From Reversible Unwinding to Handedness Inversion in Self-Organized Soft Helical Superstructures. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2020, 59, 2684. (IF=16.823)
H. Bisoyi and Q. Li, Stimuli Directed Alignment of One-Dimensional Columnar Liquid Crystals for Organic Electronics, Progress in Materials Science 2019, 104, 1. (IF=48.165)
J Li,H. K. Bisoyi, J. Tian, J. Guo, and Q. Li, Optically Rewritable Transparent Liquid Crystal Displays Enabled by Light-Driven Chiral Fluorescent Molecular Switches, Advanced Materials 2019, 31, 1807751. (IF=32.086)
R. S. Zola, H. Bisoyi, H. Wang, A. Urbas, T. J. Bunning, and Q. Li, Dynamic Control of Light Direction Enabled by Stimuli-Responsive Liquid Crystal Gratings, Advanced Materials 2019, 31, 1806172. (IF=32.086)
H. Wang, H. K. Bisoyi, M. E. McConney, A. M. Urbas, T. J. Bunning, and Q. Li, Visible Light Induced Self-Organized Helical Superstructure in Orientationally Ordered Fluids, Advanced Materials 2019, 31, 1902958. (IF=32.086)
H. Wang, H. Bisoyi, A. M. Urbas, T. J. Bunning, and Q. Li, Reversible Circularly Polarized Reflection in a Self-Organized Helical Superstructure Enabled by a Visible Light-Driven Axially Chiral Molecular Switch, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019, 141, 8078. (IF=16.383)
C. Yuan, W. Huang, Z. Zheng, B. Liu, H. K. Bisoyi, Y. Li, D. Shen, Y. Lu, and Q. Li, Stimuli-activated Soft Helix: Reversible and Dynamic Transformation among Helicoidal, Heliconical and Their Inverse Helices, Science Advances 2019, 5, aax9501. (IF=14.957)
J. Li, H. K. Bisoyi, S. Lin, J. Guo, and Q. Li, 1,2-Dithienyldicyanoethene Based Visible-Light-Driven Chiral Fluorescent Molecular Switch for Rewritable Multimodal Photonic Devices. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2019, 58, 16052. (IF=16.823)
P. Chen, L. Ma, W. Hu, Z. Shen, H. Bisoyi, S. Wu, S. Ge, Q. Li, and Y. Lu, Chirality Invertible Superstructure Mediated Active Planar Optics, Nature Communications 2019, 10, 2518. (IF=17.694)
L. Wang and Q. Li, Photochromism into Nanosystems: Towards Lighting Up the Future Nanoworld, Chemical Society Reviews 2018, 47, 1044. (IF=60.615)
K. Zhou, H. K. Bisoyi, J. Jin, C. Yuan, Z. Liu, D. Shen, Y. Lu, Z. Zheng, W. Zhang, and Q. Li, Light-Driven Reversible Transformation between Self-Organized Simple Cubic Lattice and a Helical Superstructure Enabled by a Molecular Switch Functionalized Nanocage, Advanced Materials 2018, 30, 1800237(selected as cover). (IF=32.086)
H. K. Bisoyi, T. J. Bunning, and Q. Li, Stimuli-Driven Control of the Helical Axis of Self-Organized Soft Helical Superstructures, Advanced Materials 2018, 30, 1706512. (IF=30.849)
Z. Yuan, X. Xiao, J. Li, Z. Zhao, D. Yu, and Q. Li, Self-Assembled Graphene-Based Architectures and Their Applications, Advanced Science 2018,5, 1700626. (IF=17.521)
H. Wang, H. K. Bisoyi, A. Urbas, T. J. Bunning, and Q. Li, Photochemically and Thermally Driven Full Color Reflection in a Self-organized Helical Superstructure Enabled by a Halogen Bonded Chiral Molecular Switch, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2018, 57, 1627 (selected as VIP paper). (IF=16.823)
Z. Zheng, C. Yuan, W. Hu, H. K. Bisoyi, M. Tang, Z. Liu, P. Sun, W. Yang, X. Wang, D. Shen, Y. Li, F. Ye, Y. Lu, G. Li, and Q. Li, Light-patterned Crystallographic Direction of a Self-organized Three-dimensional Soft Photonic Crystal, Advanced Materials 2017, 29, 1703165 (selected as front cover). (IF=32.086)
Z. Zheng, R. S. Zola, H. K. Bisoyi, L. Wang, Y. Li, T. J. Bunning, and Q. Li, Dynamic Reconfigurable Zigzig Pattern Formation in a Soft Helical Superstructure, Advanced Materials 2017, 29, 1701903. (IF=32.086)
L. Zhang, L. Wang, U. S. Hiremath, H. K. Bisoyi, G. C. Nair, C. V. Yelamaggad, A. M. Urbas, T. J. Bunning, and Q. Li, Dynamic Orthogonal Switching of a Thermoresponsive Self-organized Helical Superstructure, Advanced Materials 2017, 29, 1700676 (selected as VIP paper). (IF=32.086)
L. Wang, H. K. Bisoyi, Z. Zheng, K. G. Gutierrez-Cuevas, G. Singh, S. Kumar, T. J. Bunning, and Q. Li, Self-Organized Chiral Liquid Crystalline Superstructures for Adaptive Windows Enabled by Mesogen-Functionalized Graphene, Materials Today 2017, 20, 230. (IF=26.943)
L. Wang, D. Chen, K. Gutierrez-Cuevas, H. Bisoyi, G. Li, R. Zola, T. J. Bunning, D. A. Weitz, and Q. Li, Optically Reconfigurable Chiral Microspheres of Self-Organized Helical Superstructures with Handedness Inversion, Materials Horizons 2017, 4, 1190. (IF=15.717)
H. K. Bisoyi and Q. Li,Light-Driven Liquid Crystalline Materials: From Photo-Induced Phase Transitions and Property Modulations to Applications, Chemical Reviews 2016, 116, 15089. (IF=72.087)
Z. Zheng,Y. Li,H. K. Bisoyi, L. Wang, T. J. Bunning, and Q. Li, Three-Dimensional Control of a Helical Axis of a Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystal, Nature 2016, 531, 352. (IF=69.504)
L. Wang and Q. Li, Stimuli-Directing Self-Organized 3D Liquid Crystalline Nanostructures: From Materials Design to Photonic Applications, Advanced Functional Materials 2016, 26, 10. (IF=19.924)
K. G. Gutierrez-Cuevas, L. Wang, Z. Zheng, H. K. Bisoyi, G. Li, L. Tan, R. A. Vaia, and Q. Li, Frequency-Driven Self-Organized Helical Superstructures Loaded with Mesogen-Grafted Silica Nanoparticles, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2016, 55, 13090. (IF=16.823)
H. K. Bisoyi and Q. Li, Light-Directed Dynamic Chirality Inversion in Functional Self-Organized Helical Superstructures, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2016, 55, 2994. (IF=16.823)
Y. Wang,Z. Zheng, H. K. Bisoyi,K. G. Gutierrez-Cuevas, L. Wang, R. S. Zola,and Q. Li, Thermally Reversible Full Color Selective Reflection in a Self-organized Helical Superstructure Enabled by a Bent-core Oligomesogen Exhibiting Twist-bend Nematic Phase, Materials Horizons 2016, 3, 442. (IF=15.717)
L. Wang,H. Dong, Y. Li, R. Liu, Y. Wang, H. K. Bisoyi, L.-D. Sun, C.-H. Yan, and Q. Li, Photoluminescence-Driven Reversible Handedness Inversion of Self-Organized Helical Superstructures Enabled by Unprecedented Near-Infrared Light Nanotransducers, Advanced Materials 2015, 27, 2065. (IF=32.086)
J. Fan, Y. Li, H. K. Bisoyi,R. S. Zola, D. Yang, T. J. Bunning, D. A. Weitz, and Q. Li, Light-Directing Omnidirectional Circularly Polarized Reflection from Liquid Crystal Droplets, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2015, 27, 2065.(IF=16.823)
L. Wang,H. Dong, Y. Li, C. Xue, L. Sun, C. Yan, and Q. Li, Reversible Near-Infrared Light Directed Reflection in a Self-organized Helical Superstructure Loaded with Upconversion Nanoparticles, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014, 136, 4480. (IF=16.383)
H. K. Bisoyi and Q. Li, Light-Directing Chiral Liquid Crystal Nanostructures: From 1D to 3D. Accounts of Chemical Research 2014, 47, 3184. (IF=24.466)
T.-H. Lin, Y. Li, C.-T. Wang, H.-C. Jau, C.-W. Chen, C.-C. Li, H. K. Bisoyi, T. J. Bunning, and Q. Li,Red, Green and Blue Reflections Enabled in Optically Tunable Self-Organized 3D Cubic Nanostructured Thin Film, Advanced Materials 2013, 25, 5050 (highlighted in Nature Photonics 2013, 7, 767). (IF=32.086)
Y. Li, M. Wang, T. J. White, T. J. Bunning, and Q. Li, Azoarenes with OppositeChiral Configurations: Light-Driven Reversible Handedness Inversion in Self-Organized Helical Superstructures, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2013, 52, 8925 (Hot paper selected by the editors). (IF=16.823)
R. Sun, C. Xue, X. Ma, M. Gao,H. Tian, and Q. Li, Light-Driven Linear Helical Supramolecular Polymer Formed by Molecular-Recognition-Directed Self-Assembly of Bis-p-Sulfonatocalix[4]arene and Pseudorotaxane, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 5990. (IF=16.383)
Y. Li, C. Xue, M. Wang, A. Urbas, and Q. Li, Photodynamic Chiral Molecular Switches with Thermal Stability: From Reflection Wavelength Tuning to Handedness Inversion of Self-Organized Helical Superstructures, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2013, 52, 13703. (IF=16.823)
Y. Wang and Q. Li, Light-Driven Chiral Molecular Switches or Motors in Liquid Crystals, Advanced Materials 2012, 24, 1926. (IF=32.086)
Y. Li, A. Urbas, and Q. Li, Reversible Light-Directed Red, Green and Blue Reflections with Thermal Stability Enabled by a Self-Organized Helical Superstructure, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012, 134, 9573. (IF=16.383)
Y. Wang, A. Urbas, and Q. Li, Reversible Visible-Light Tuning of Self-Organized Helical Superstructures Enabled by Unprecedented Light-Driven Axially Chiral Molecular Switches, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012, 134, 3342. (IF=16.383)
Q. Li, Y. Li, J. Ma, D.-K. Yang, T. J. White, and T. J. Bunning, Directing Dynamic Control of Red, Green and Blue Reflection Enabled by a Light-Driven Self-Organized Helical Superstructure, Advanced Materials 2011, 23, 5069 (Highlighted in Nature Photonics 2011, 5, 713). (IF=32.086)
M. Mathews, R. Zola, Hurley, S., D. Yang, T. J. White, T. J. Bunning, and Q. Li, Light-Driven Reversible Handedness Inversion in Self-Organized Helical Superstructures, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2010, 132, 18361. (IF=16.383)